A research unit specialized in numeric simulation of fluid mechanics, located in the Center of Advanced Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNAM.


Promote scientific talent at the highest level to generate optimal solutions to the academic and industrial needs of the country


This Unit will be internationally recognized as a source of reliable scientific consultation and reference for the public and private sectors in topics of Advanced Engineering in Fluid Mechanics for technical, operational and social decision making.


  • Form a solid, competitive team with students selected for their academic abilities, organized according to their talent and coordinated under a multidisciplinary structure based on ethical and professional values to generate reliable results.
  • Propose and execute high impact projects with social and industrial benefits, and with sustainable application to contribute to the ecological balance.
  • Carry out research and innovation projects that contribute to the development of high impact national technology.
  • Attract research projects sponsored by the industry, national and international, that contribute to the technological development and innovation, and that generate experience and knowledge for students in the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels at UNAM.


  • Analysis of impact over the environment.
  • Analysis of wind fields.
  • Analysis of risk by explosion.
  • Processes optimization.


Contact: Full time Professor, Dr. Rubén Ávila Rodríguez
Location:MOFABI, Centro de Ingeniería Avanzada, Anexo de ingeniería, Circuito exterior s/n Cd. Universitaria, Coyoacán CP, 04510, México, Cd. Mx.